Wednesday, January 8, 2014

10 Pet Peeves

10 Pet Peeves

1.       I hate when people stare. It’s really rude to stare. I mean I know I’m beautiful, but come on just take a picture and it will last much longer.

2.       I really don’t appreciate when people stand in the direct center of the hallway. I don’t just mean one person, I mean like 5 or 6 people. Stand on the left or right side of the hallway, or just talk when you get to class. We all have places to be and people to see.

3.       People who don’t cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough. First off that’s kind of gross, we don’t want your spit everywhere. Like thanks, now I have whatever sickness you have.

4.       I hate when people chew with their mouths open or chew really obnoxiously. It’s really annoying, we don’t want to hear what you are chewing or eating. Eww just the thought of food flying out of someone’s mouth is nasty.

5.       People who talk during a movie. We are all here to see a movie we haven’t seen yet, we would really like to try and enjoy it over your talking. It’s really rude, and even if you have seen the movie none of us care because we haven’t seen it yet, so quiet.

6.       When people leave trash around for others to pick up. Sorry we are not your personal janitor or maid. We don’t enjoy picking up after the nasty trash you leave around. We want to try and enjoy where we are sitting, but we really can’t when there is your leftover sandwich or wrappers left on the table for us to clean up for you.

7.       People who wear too much perfume/cologne. One squirt of it is plenty, no need to make us get a headache. I mean ya the perfume/cologne smells good but, now it’s just too much which makes you smell really bad now.

8.       People who think they know everything. I don’t know why this annoys me so much, maybe the fact that they think that they are smarter than everybody else. Your no better than we are so why go on about how you think you are.

9.       People who tap their pen/pencil. We are all trying to learn and you make it very difficult too with the tapping ruckus your making. This is the most annoying sound ever please stop.

10.   People who butt into a story you’re telling and start their story. Like sorry, I wasn’t done talking yet please wait your turn. When I am finished then you can rant on about a story that’s probably not even interesting.


Friday, December 6, 2013

The Case Against Summer Vacation

I think that summer vacation is a need for many kids. We enjoy having the time off away from school and learning. I think that younger kids should switch the hours with us because younger kids are more awake and alert in the morning, unlike us who are really sleep deprived. it a proven fact that we need sleep because otherwise we come to school grumpy and unmotivated to learn. little kids are high strung all day and are up at the crack of dawn playing around. I feel that the perfect school hours would be from 8:30 to 2 everyday being 6 hours of school everyday instead of seven. I think that instead of being off of school for summer vacation for two months, but we should be off for a full four months. We deserve to be off for four months considering we go to school for 9 out of twelve months out of the year.

Monday, November 25, 2013


-The newest album put out by Justin Timberlake ‘The 20/20 Experience’ has really boosted his career. His title to his album relates to the amount of songs on his album. His song tunnel vision shows in his album artwork. His album seems to start slow and get faster once you get towards the middle of the album, and then it gets slower again. This album really made a comeback to his career, making one of his best albums yet. 4 of his best songs have come off the album to become really popular, more than any of his songs on any of his albums so far. One or two songs that are on the album don’t catch my attention and are not really interesting.

Pusher love girl- has a steady slow beat

Suit and tie- little faster beat

Don’t hold the wall- slow beat

Strawberry bubblegum- slow beat

Tunnel vision- starts slow then goes a little faster beat

Spaceship coupe- slow beat

That girl- starts slow then gets faster

Let the groove get in- fast beat, relates to title

Mirrors- fast and a slow beat

Blue ocean floor- really slow beat

Gimme what I don’t know (I want)- fast beat

True blood- fast beat

Cabaret- fast beat

TKO- beat gets faster as the song goes on

Take back the night- fast song

Murder- fast song

Drink you away- slow beat, song

You got it on- slow song and beat

Amnesia- little faster beat and song

Only when I walk away- beat starts slow goes a little fast and then slow again

yearly spendings

Yearly Spending’s

The most money spent out of all the holidays is Christmas, what a surprise. Christmas is the number one most costly holiday spending about 135.16 per year. The average money spent per year on all the holidays is $228.4 billion this year already. Thanksgiving is second for the most money spent with 30.50 million dollars per year. I think that spending this much on Christmas and thanksgiving is a little ridiculous. I think that for us humans to be spending this much on Christmas gifts, I think that the prices of things such as toys and gifts should be lowered for the courtesy of us. Halloween is the least spent holiday ever, at 6 billion per year while mother and father’s day is ahead of Halloween when Halloween should be expected to have more money spent for all the people who spend money on Halloween candy per year. Mother’s day has more spent rather than father’s day which I think is kind of weird since moms and dads are equal. Valentine’s Day is also at the top of the chart at third. I think that’s reasonable because people want to get gifts for their loved ones. Holiday spending keeps sizing up as the years go on. So in 2 years from now, I predict that the price spend yearly will go up by twice what it is already.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

album reviews

1.       “Dynamic” could be a one-word review of Scotty McCreery‘s sophomore album, ‘See You Tonight.’   -Scotty McCreery(Country)

2.       The fantastically fierce single gets Perry’s fourth record off to a mighty start. It’s a high-energy blast of catchy pop.   –Katy Perry(Pop)

3.       The Marshall Mathers LP 2 bears the name of Em’s most powerful album.    –Eminem(HipHop)

4.       On "Rock N Roll," all the Auto-Tune in Sweden can't keep her bad reputation from battling "hipster bullshit.”    -Avril Lavigne(Rock)

5.       A massively overrated album, Kanye experiments with some interesting sounds but ultimately fails to create anything particularly memorable and his lyrics are pretty weak on the whole. 

–Kanye West(Rap)

6.       Overall I found it pretty blah, and I thought “Boys ‘Round Here” was unbelievably stupid.

–Blake Shelton(Country)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Bears Fan Tasers Wife over Lost Packers Bet

According to NBC News, “The rivalry between Chicago and Green Bay rose to a new level after a south suburban Bears fan used a Taser on his Packers fan wife when she “lost a bet" following the Bears win Monday, according to police.” But later his wife said she did not take consent to getting tased by her husband. NBC Chicago stated that, “but cell phone footage of the incident shows her "laughing and it seemed apparent that Ms. Grant had consented," the arresting officer wrote in the complaint.” According to ESPN, “Grant was charged with felony possession of an electronic weapon.”

According to the Digital Journal, Weird Asia News, and the faster times news articles, a Chinese farmer named Wu Yulu has created an army of robots. Wu Yulu has created 26 robots over the past 30 years and is continuing to make even more to this day. Wu Yulu is 46 years old and first got interested in robotics when he was 11 years old. He calls his robots his sons, and names them after him as Wu no.1, Wu no.2, and Wu no.3, all the way to Wu no.26. The robots he made can light cigarettes, play instruments, and write calligraphy. Wu’s favorite robot he has built is called a rickshawbot, it’s his prized possession.

According to the British News Journal, British Talk and other foreign newspapers, a man named David Capaldi is going to swim down the River Thames. In the dead of winter. With no clothes on. He will attempt to swim from the London Bridge to the Waterloo Bridge and back in under two hours. One hour there and one hour back. Capaldi is known for doing these extremities; in 2007 he swam across River Pekoe in Italy, he only wore goggles. No clothes at all. He will be expected to attempt this adventure in January of 2015.

According to the Mirror News online, a construction worker named Chris Kelly, found a false widow spider hidden, while he was renovating a house in Burnley. Once he spotted the little creature, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of it. Chris came face-to-face with one of the most venomous spiders in the UK and he wasn’t going to let it just scuttle away. In doing so, he managed to capture it in his lunch box before taking it home for the weekend. While most of us would’ve quickly gotten rid of it, Chris called him Boris. As if that wasn’t enough, to keep him living and healthy, he fed him sugar puffs. Chris put holes in his lunch box to make sure that Boris could breathe and he tapped the lid down so he was sure he wouldn’t escape.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

high intrest question

How do you think that students ACL tears are affecting their return back to their sports?